Presidents and Vice - Presidents of the USA


George Washington 1732-1799 1789-1797 John Adams 1735-1826
John Adams 1735-1826 1797-1801 Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826
Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 1801-1809 Aaron Burr 1756-1836
George Clinton 1739-1812
James Madison 1751-1836 1809-1817 George Clinton 1739-1812
Elbridge Gerry 1744-1814
James Monroe 1758-1831 1817-1825 Daniel D Tompkins 1774-1825
John Quincy Adams 1767-1848 1825-1829 John C Calhoun 1782-1850
Andrew Jackson 1767-1845 1829-1837 (3) John C Calhoun 1739-1812
Martin Van Buren 1782-1862
Martin Van Buren 1782-1862 1837-1841 (1) Richard M. Johnson 1780-1850
William Henry Harrison 1773-1841 1841 John Tyler 1790-1862
John Tyler 1790-1862 1841-1845 NONE
James Knox Polk 1795-1849 1845-1849 George M Dallas 1792-1864
Zachary Taylor 1784-1850 1849-1850 Millard Fillmore 1800-1874
Millard Fillmore 1800-1874 1850-1853 NONE
Franklin Pierce 1804-1869 1853-1857 William R King 1786-1853
James Buchanan 1791-1868 1857-1861 John C Breckinridge 1821-1875
Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865 1861-1865 Hannibel Hamlin 1809-1891
Andrew Johnson 1808-1875
Andrew Johnson 1808-1875 1865-1869 NONE
Ulysses Simpson (Hiram Ulysses) Grant 1822-1885 1869-1877 Schuyler Colfax 1823-1885
Henry Wilson 1812-1875
Rutherford Birchard Hayes 1822-1893 1877-1881 William A Wheeler 1819-1887
James Abram Garfield 1831-1881 1881 Chester Alan Arthur 1830-1886
Chester Alan Arthur 1830-1886 1881-1885 NONE
(Stephen) Grover Cleveland 1837-1908 1885-1889 Thomas Hendricks 1819-1885
Benjamin Harrison 1833-1901 1889-1893 Levi P Morton 1824-1920
Stephen Grover Cleveland 1837-1908 1893-1897 Adlai E Stevenson 1835-1914
William McKinley 1843-1901 1897-1901 Garret A. Hobart 1844-1899
Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919
Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 1901-1909 Charles W Fairbanks 1852-1918
William Howard Taft 1857-1930 1909-1913 James S Sherman 1855-1912
(Thomas) Woodrow Wilson 1856-1924 1913-1921 Thomas R Marshall 1854-1925
Warren Gamaliel Harding 1865-1923 1921-1923 (John) Calvin Coolidge 1872-1933
(John) Calvin Coolidge 1872-1933 1923-1929 Charles G Dawes 1865-1951
Herbert Clark Hoover 1874-1964 1929-1933 Charles Curtis 1860-1936
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1882-1945 1933-1945 John Nance Garner 1868-1967
Henry A. Wallace 1888-1965
Harry S. Truman 1884-1972
Harry S. Truman 1884-1972 1945-1953 Alben W Barkley 1877-1956
Dwight David Eisenhower 1890-1969 1953-1961 Richard Milhous Nixon 1913-1994
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1917-1963 1961-1963 Lyndon Baines Johnson 1908-1973
Lyndon Baines Johnson 1908-1973 1963-1969 Hubert Horatio Humphrey 1911-1978
Richard Milhous Nixon 1913-1994 1969-1974 (3) Spiro T. Agnew 1919-1996
(2) Gerald Rudolph Ford 1913-
Gerald Rudolph Ford 1913- 1974-1977 (2) Nelson Rockefeller 1908-1979
James Earl Carter, Jr. 1924- 1977-1981 Walter Mondale 1928-
Ronald Wilson Reagan 1911- 1981-1989 George Herbert Walker Bush 1924-
George Herbert Walker Bush 1924- 1989-1993 J. Danforth Quayle 1947-
William Jefferson (Blythe IV) Clinton 1947- 1993-2001 Albert Gore, Jr. 1948-

(1) elected by the Senate
(2) appointed under the XXVth Amendment
(3) resigned