
The Delaware Indians, also called the Lenape, originally lived along the Delaware River in Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. They speak a form of the Algonquian Indian language and so are related to the Miami, Ottawa, and Shawnee Indians. The Delawares are called "Grandfathers" by the other Algonquin tribes because they believe them to be the oldest and original Algonquin nation.

Delaware Tribe of Oklahoma Indians

The Delaware Tribal website was established several years ago,
Lenape Nation Lenape traditions and culture
Leni Lenape Historical Society and Museum Museum of History and culture
Delaware By Lee Sultzman
Delaware Indians By the Catholic Encyclopedia
Delaware (Lenape) Tribe of Indians  
The Lenape Nation  
Thunder Mountain Lenape Nation History and culture
Munsee Delaware Indian Nation-USA The Munsee Delaware indian nation-USA is an historical tribe of the Easter united States

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Delaware Indian News

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