The Adena began to live a more settled way of life based on growing plants such as sunflower, squash, and some weedy plants. Burial mounds became the ritual focus for Adena communities. | |
Adena People | The Adena folk were unusually tall and powerfully built; women over six feet tall and men approaching heights of seven feet have been discovered. It would seem that a band of strikingly different people of great presence and majesty had forced their way into the Ohio Valley from somewhere about 1000 B.C |
Adena Culture | The Adena culture was a conglomerate of many Indian communities that inhabited the Central and Southern regions of Ohio in the first millennium BC. The Adena people lived in villages and survived by hunting, fishing and gathering wild plants. Although the Adena culture survived for many centuries (500-100 BC), much of what we know of them today is drawn from mounds. |
The Adena Culture | Culture and history |
Adena Mounds | About 1000 B.C. we can mark the beginning of a new period for man in North America. This period, which lasted until about 700 A.D., is called the Woodland Period. It is during this time that a new culture emerged and made significant settlements in what is now known as West Virginia. |
Burial Mounds | The burial mound was the very essence of Adena, and the archetypical Adena site was the mound excavated by Mills (1902) in Ohio on Governor Worthington's estate called "Adena". The choice of the name was fitting, for there were many examples of mounds in the Ohio Valley |
Mound Builders | The culture the Caddos brought to East Texas reflected many characteristics of older mound building cultures. These cultures had been evolving in the woodlands of eastern North America since about 1000 B.C. |