From the
Registers relating to Bilston,
John, ye son of Nathan WHITEHOUSE, of Tipton, sold his wife to Mr.
1720 from an old magazine known as "Lloyd's,"
We were lately witnesses of a case of wife-selling in an old town in South
Staffordshire. It appeared that the husband had set his affections on
another woman, and his wife hearing of it, had very justly showed their
displeasure in a variety of ways; whereupon the husband, who was a collier,
took her to the marketplace, and sold her to the highest bidder for five
shillings. There was much excitement in the crowd which assembled to witness
the act, and the affair ended with a good deal of drinking at the expense
of the husband and the purchaser."
The next
is an oft-quoted case, it having appeared in the well-known " Annual
Register," under date August 3lst, 1733:
Three men and three women went to the Bell Inn, Edgbaston Street, Birmingham,
and made the following entry in the Toll Book which is kept there :
Samuel WHITEHOUSE, of the parish of Willenhall, in the County of Stafford,
sold his wife, Mary WHITEHOUSE, in open market, to Thomas GRIFFITHS, of
Birmingham. Value, one guinea. To take her with all her faults. (Signed)
Birmingham Gazette " of March lst, 1790, was constrained to publish
a warning notice to the public :
As instances of the sales of wives have of late frequently occurred among
the lower classes of people who consider such sale lawful, we think it
right to inform them that, by a determination of the courts of law' in
a former reign, they were declared illegal and void, and considered (a
light in which religion must view them) as mere pretence to sanction the
crime of adultery."
A County
newspaper, issued March lst, 1801 evidently referring to an incident in
the life of Stafford, said :
On Tuesday last HODSON a chimney sweeper, better known by the appropriate
nickname of Cupid, brought his wife into the Market Place of this town
and disposed of her by auction. She was put up at the sum of one penny,
but as there were several bidders, and of course a good deal of rivalship,
she sold for five shillings and sixpence. The usual delicate ceremony
of tying a rope round the woman's neck was dispensed with; but we could
mention a way in which a rope might very properly reward the persons concerned
in this disgraceful violation of decency and morality."
The county
town, a third of a century later, certainly supplies the next illustration,
extracted from a Wolverhampton newspaper of 1832:
A disgraceful scene was exhibited in Stafford market on Saturday week.
A labouring man of idle and dissolute habits, Rodney HALL, residing at
Dustan Heath, near Penkridge, led his wife into the town with a halter
round her body, for the purpose of disposing of her in the public market
to the best bidder. Having taken her into the Market Place and paid toll,
he led her twice round the market, when he was met by a man named BARLOW,
of the same class of life, who purchased her for eighteen-pence and a
quart of ale, and she was formally delivered over to the purchaser. The
parties then went to the Blue Posts Inn to ratify the transfer, followed
by a considerable number of persons who had been attracted by the disgusting
The same
newspaper records the following case as occurring in November 1837:
A strange and unwonted exhibition took place in Walsall market on Tuesday
last. A man named George HITCHINSON brought his wife, Elizabeth HITCHINSON
from Burntwood, for sale, a distance of eight or nine miles. They came
into the market between ten and eleven o'clock in the morning, the woman
being led by a halter, which was fastened, round her neck and the middle
of her body. In a few minutes after their arrival she was sold to a man
of the name of Thomas SNAPE a nailer, also from Burntwood. There were
not many people in the market at the time. The purchase price was two
shillings and sixpence, and all the parties seemed satisfied with the
bargain. The husband was glad to get rid of his frail rib, who, it seems,
had been living with SNAPE three years, at any time erroneously imagining
that because he had brought her through a turnpike gate in a halter, and
publicly sold her in the market before witnesses, that he is thereby freed
from all responsibility and liability with regard to her future maintenance
and support."