Baulkham Hills Scrabble Club
Boris Bard's Scrabble Helper to help people look for words when playing Scrabble.
Helga's Scrabble Rogue Gallery

Musa's Scrabble Page

puzzles, word lists, and information on the DFW Scrabble scene.
National Scrabble Association governing body of play in Canada and the U.S.A.
San Jose Scrabble - Club No. 21
ScotScrabble free, live scrabble by e-mail, allocated according to level and frequency of play.
Scrabble [Milton Bradley]
ScRaBbLeNeT Web Scrabble play by working out the highest scoring word from the letters provided, or download the free scrabble software.
UK Scrabble Scrabbling in the UK: hints, tips, records, contacts, puzzles, stories and more.
FAQ - Scrabble
Travelroads - Adventure travel directory